
Add Call to Action Buttons to Your Blog Posts Automatically

Introducing WP Action Buttons, a simple and light-weight WordPress plugin that allows you to instantly add call to action buttons to the bottom of your blog posts.

And that is not all, you can determine what button should appear on a blog post based on category, author, or geographic region. Simply install it, activate it, and start creating, editing, or deleting call to action buttons across your blog posts.

This plugin is incredibly useful for websites that create blog posts to help drive SEO traffic but aren’t sure how to get that traffic to convert into potential or actual customers. Your blog post are no longer only valuable for bringing in meaniningless traffic.

Here Is How It Works

After you install the plugin start by creating your first button. Here you can name the button, determine what shape it will take, colors, alignment, gradients, and more. If you want to show your button at the bottom of every blog post in your ‘example’ category just select “category” then “example”. If you want to show the button at the bottom of blog posts written by a specific author select “author” then the author’s username in the second dropdown. If you want to show the button to reader’s in a specific geographic region selet “geo” then the country in the second dropdown.

Now all of the blog posts that match your rule will show the button you created automatically. Only one button appears and which one will show depends on a few factors. An author button assignment will always overwrite a catgegory, a geographic assignment will always overwrite an author assignment. If a blog post might trigger two different category/author/geo assigned buttons it will defer to the newest one created.

So go ahead and download the plugin today and start making your blog posts more useful to drive conversion actions.

This is an early release plugin and it may have issues and bugs. We are actively developing it and urge caution with usage.