
WP Action Buttons wants to give you the most powerful, automatic call to action button plugin to help you get more out of your listicles, research articles, rants, news updates, product reviews, how to articles, and whatever else you write. These are the current features.


  • Automatic CTA Button Creation – Design your button, define your target blog posts, and add the call to action button to the bottom of matching blog posts instantly.
  • Highly Customizable CTA Button Designer – Select from 11 button styles and design your button with custom height and width, colors (using RGB), font sizes, radius (for rounded edges), and drop shadows.
  • Add Buttons to Blog Posts Based on Categories – Add a CTA button to the bottom of all of your blog posts in a specific category.
  • Add Buttons to Blog Posts Based on Author – Add a CTA button to the bottom of all of your blog posts written by a specific author.
  • Add Buttons to Blog Posts Based on Reader’s Country – Add a CTA button to the bottom of all of your blog posts when the reader is from a specific country.